Urelio’s Pizza is a mobile pop up restaurant serving pizzas from a wood fired oven fixed to the flatbed of a 1989 Ford F250 Truck. Owned & operated by Sam Ciccarelli and his wife Rosie Dooley, Urelio’s Pizza is inspired by Sam’s childhood eating Italian & Portuguese dinners at his great grandfather Urelio’s almond and walnut ranch in Modesto, California.

The pizza oven was conceptualized and built by Sam with the help of two dear friends, Heco & Harry. During the oven’s construction, Sam developed a naturally leavened or “sourdough” dough recipe, meaning no commercial yeast is added. This creates a more delicious & intuitive product, while showcasing the naturally occurring yeast the Bay Area’s climate has to offer.

Sam and Rosie met while working together at Chez Panisse in Berkeley, where Sam learned his passion for making wood fired pizza and Rosie learned her love for hospitality and making desserts. Together they started Urelio’s Pizza in 2022, and hope to one day open a brick & mortar restaurant.